Suzan Galluzzo

About Suzan Galluzzo:

Meet Suzan Galluzzo, the Transformation expert and creator of “Best of You,” the seminal online transformation program. With over 1,000 active cli-ents nationwide and 11,000+ client successes, sheis an RHN Registered Holistic Nutritionist, the recipient of the WXN top 100 Female Entrepreneurs award, and a mother of two. Previously, she ownedand operated three women’s transformation studios for over ten years. Suzan is featured in countless magazines and appears regularly on various TV shows, and is a key-note speaker at industry conferences.

She has appeared on and in Breakfast Television, CTV, Inside Fitness Magazine, The Financial Post, Globe & Mail, and many more.

Join her for The Hormone-Weight Connection: Why Stress Is Keeping You Stuck.


Cherillyn (Cher) Olivos


Dr. Zabina (Dr. Zee) Bhasin M.D.